Computer Imaging Provides a Preview of Facial Plastic Surgery

It is normal for facial plastic surgery patients to feel hesitant or nervous about their results. Though Dr. Alexander Ereso is a skilled, experienced plastic surgeon, any surgery performed by any surgeon involves an element of the unknown. Our doctors understand this, and offer special technology to help alleviate some of these patient concerns and improve the predictability of the surgical outcomes.
Computer imaging allows our facial plastic surgery patients to envision how they will look after surgery. This technology works for patients who are seeking to have a specific feature (e.g., nose, eyes) corrected, or have requested allover facial rejuvenation.
Computer imaging is a valuable part of the treatment planning process, as it improves the communication between doctor and patient. Also, it helps the patient develop realistic expectations of the surgical outcome. And, it is a helpful teaching tool for our doctors.
How Computer Imaging Works
First, a member of our team will take photographs of your face, likely from the front angle and the profile view. The images will then be loaded into our office computer and the special digital imaging program. Then, Dr. Ereso will manipulate the image as you watch alongside them, to simulate what surgery will accomplish.
For example, if you have requested rhinoplasty to improve the look of your nose, the doctor may digitally tweak your nose to make it look thinner or straighter. Or, if you are planning eyelid surgery to remove wrinkles and bags underneath your eyes, he can digitally remove those imperfections.
As the doctor alters the photographs, you can provide your feedback and suggest changes or improvements.
When you and the doctor are happy with the modified digital image, it will be saved in your file, and emailed or printed out for you to take home. You are free to share the image with family or close friends to get their feedback.
Keep in mind that the digital images are not meant to be 100 percent accurate, in terms of how your results will look. It is impossible to predict with complete certainty what you will look like after surgery, but your digital images will be very close.
Preview Your Results
Are you interested in a facial plastic surgery procedure? Would you like to preview the possible results? If so, please contact the practice of Dr. Alexander Ereso and schedule a consultation. Call (650) 964-6600!