Facts About Fraxel

For the past 10 years, Fraxel has been the gold standard of fractional skin resurfacing. Dr. Ereso and our staff have been able to treat many common skin imperfections and irregularities with the technology. Given that Fraxel treatment is so popular, we receive many questions about it. Dr. Ereso has compiled the most frequently asked questions below.
What does Fraxel treat?
With the Fraxel re:stor Dual 1550/1927 system, we can treat deep and superficial imperfections of the skin on the face, neck, chest and hands, including:
- Wrinkles
- Fine lines
- Hyperpigmentation
- Acne scars
- Surgical scars
- Age spots
- Melasma
- Freckles
- Irregular texture
The 1550 wavelength erbium fiber laser penetrates the deep layers of the skin, and the 1927 wavelength thulium fiber laser treats the superficial layers. We can easily switch between the two wavelengths during treatment, depending on your needs.
How does Fraxel work?
The Fraxel laser creates microscopic injuries in the skin, removes damaged skin and stimulates the body to produce fresh skin cells. Fractional laser skin resurfacing creates microscopic injuries in a portion, or “fraction,” of the skin; this triggers the body’s natural production of collagen. The pattern of micro-injuries leaves undisturbed tissue intact between the injuries, which enables quicker healing with minimal downtime.
As more collagen develops, the skin starts to look smoother and healthier, and flaws become less visible.
How many Fraxel treatments do I need?
Studies show that on average, three to five sessions spaced two to four weeks apart are most effective. Depending on your needs, we may recommend spacing the treatment sessions further apart. You should notice some improvement immediately, continually improving until optimal improvement is reached after one to two months.
Does Fraxel treatment hurt?
No, Fraxel treatment does not hurt. Before starting treatment, we will apply a topical anesthetic to the area to be treated. You may feel some heat during treatment, but this is minimized by a chilled spray of air using the Cool Roller tip technology. Some patients have described a sunburn sensation after treatment, which can be soothed by applying cold compresses.
What is Fraxel recovery like?
The Fraxel re:stor laser is designed to produce great results with very little downtime. Besides the sunburn sensation and mild redness, there are very few reported side effects. Generally, the 1927 wavelength is more tolerable to patients because it only treats the superficial layers of the skin.
Schedule a Consultation With Dr. Ereso
To learn more about fractional laser skin resurfacing with the Fraxel re:stor system, please contact Dr. Ereso’s practice by calling (650) 964-6600.