Number of Men Having Plastic Surgery Continues to Rise

One of the surprises in the recent plastic surgery procedural statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) was the rise in demand for male plastic surgery. According to the ASPS report, one out of every 10 plastic surgery patients is male.
Dr. Alexander Ereso has noticed an increasing number of men flocking to our plastic surgery practice in recent years. While each patient is considered on an individual basis and treatment is always personalized to their specific needs, there’s no denying that certain trends have emerged amongst our male clientele.
Here, the surgeons discuss some of these trends.
The Busy, Sleep-Deprived Father
Men may not carry and birth children, but their bodies are not immune to the effects of parenthood. Dr. Ereso commonly works with fathers that have noticeable signs of stress and sleep deprivation on their face, including lines, wrinkles and undereye bags. Often, the solution at Alexander Ereso Plastic Surgery and Aesthetics is to treat men non-surgically with cosmetic injectables to address these concerns and restore a rested, attractive facial appearance.
With their busy schedules, many dads find it difficult to get to the gym regularly, and may struggle with excess fat around the body (especially the midsection). SAFELipo body contouring is a great way to safely reduce unwanted fat for a flatter and firmer abdomen.
The Corporate Executive
With the job market as competitive as ever, older executives don’t want to be passed over for promotion because of their age. Aging men must communicate that they have the energy to sign new business, lead a team or land a promotion as effectively as someone younger. To “look the part,” many corporate executives seek Dr. Ereso’s male facial rejuvenation expertise.
Procedures as simple as the use of Botox to soften deep frown and forehead lines can make a significant improvement in your appearance with virtually no downtime. The placement of Voluma has been a fantastic addition to non-surgical improvement, particularly of the cheek and jawline area. The results in these areas typically last 1 ½ years or more! Voluma is a great way to restore lost volume to the face.
“The Voluma treatments I had significantly improved my mid-face appearance without having surgery!” according to Dr. Ereso.
Facelift or eyelid surgery can minimize signs of aging and give an executive the boost of confidence he needs to stay successful in the workplace.
The Muscular Bodybuilder
Competitive bodybuilders are extremely dedicated to sculpting their physiques. However, according to a report from the ASPS, many bodybuilders struggle with their chest, no matter how hard they work out. Anabolic steroids and hormone supplements, which some bodybuilders take to enhance their performance, can cause the development of excess breast tissue (a condition called gynecomastia). Oversized breasts may have serious career implications for these professionals. Luckily, our surgeons can eliminate excess breast tissue and sculpt the chest with male breast reduction surgery.
As a man, Dr. Ereso has an innate understanding of the ideal male aesthetic. He knows that men want to look natural, rugged and masculine, and he tailors his surgical techniques to deliver these kinds of results.
To learn more about plastic surgery for men, please contact Dr. Ereso and schedule an informational consultation. Call (650) 964-6600 today to make an appointment.